two dollar pistol: Awkward facts

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Awkward facts

We've always ben an AssassinNation evr since  Jael pounded the shit out of Sisera(google it), trouble is we haven't made it palatable yet for the nomf's; but god damnit, we're trying. Someday we'll become uncivilized too.

We should take a cue from Israel who has a clear conscience-ous, even though we're trying to keep them civilized, via,  shockCollar and telling smirks..

See, Israel is our ugly brother that will kill for us*(mahmoud al-sharpton mabhouh). Yeah the fake passport's and the amateur espionage...but hey, they won. The recent announce that Iranaway is sending their own flotilla or tortilla to Gaza will test their mettle.

Israel will def kill `em and guess what? We'll be able to move out of our occupation of Iraq, Afghani and POkistOn(8/2011). With Iran and Israel(foil) @ war, a perfectly gentlemanly thing(excuse) to do is withdraw, and that will give BØ ammo if you will, for re-election.

The end of the not-so-cold-war.
That's how  it will work out three years from now.
One day we'll all be able to kill with a clear conscience too. We've got some killing time to make up, I do anyway.

*Then they can deal with nukeKorea, China's lil bro...



Anonymous Cjharlie Cumpanie said...

Looks like Israel blinked first-heard they just lifted the blockade. Maybe they're broke too; or is this a (benny)trick.

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard they're going to use nuclear submarines. Iran knows that, but is coming anyway. Something stinks.

11:30 PM  
Anonymous ptg said...

Something has to give. I can't see Israel backing down any more than they have. They must know by now that Obama is the enemy; waiting for him to 'come to his senses' is absurd.

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last night I saw that iran blinked.


9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard a sermon about this very same thing a week ago. How Israel was turning into another USA...just like the rest of them. You had to be there.

Pol pot died quietly in bed.

this is a test.

9:17 AM  

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